Buzz Online Media Blog
Just writeI haven’t been on here in a long while, and although there are reasons for that, I want to get to the core issue of ‘blogging’ – yes, I said ‘blogging’ even though its so out of style, like ‘email’ was a year or two ago. ”Blogs” or should I say – writing off the
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Buzz Online Media

We help retail business take control of, manage and optimize their online presence! By engaging user reviews, optimizing local and organic search, deploying and advising on social media such as Facebook, Twitter & WordPress (Blogs), taking control of online profiles, managing internet yellow pages and databases, etc., we can help you manage, take control of and capitalize on the potential that the internet holds for your business. [Read more...]
Online Presence Management

Spread the word about your business.

Managing your online reputation and user reviews.

Optimize for search engines so people can find your business.
Other Services

Reporting the numbers.

Helping you manage and make sound decisions.

Tracking & Monitoring your brand & business online.