Twitter for Local Business: Buzz Online Media updates

May 27, 2009 by  
Filed under Blog

We have some exciting new features starting to unfold at Buzz Online Media…

Twitter, twitter, twitter, tweet!  That’s all we’re hearing about these days, both internally at “the company” and externally in the news:  national news, local news, blog news, you name it.  It’s all about Twitter.

Previously we had – at buzz online media – concentrated on setting up accounts and administering best practices for clients.  Filling an advisory role if you will.  Some clients we actually run Twitter accounts for.  It’s not ideal for the client, as the most successful Twitter accounts are run from the inside out, not the other way around, but it’s better than nothing and those companies are still of the ilk:  “we just don’t have the time”!  More on that later…

Our main focus has and always will be – never say “always” – the spirit and ‘mechanics’ behind a good Twitter presence.  There is a growing number of “tools” and peripheral units that aid in the various aspects of using Twitter.  We embrace some of these tools, disdain others, but still our main focus is on the fundamentals:  great tweets, responding to your users in a warm and authentic manner, having fun, not “selling”, employing and ingraining the adage:  “its not about you, it’s about them!” theory.  Those are our tenets and we’re sticking by them.
With that said there are a series of great and innovative tools out there, some better than others.  In that spirit we will be running successive and upcoming blog posts regarding the best Twitter tools (and Facebook tools…AND social media tools) for local businesses.

With that said – and in acknowledging that there are great “Twitter Tools” out there – and not so great ‘Twitter tools’ (pun and double meaning intended) – we hope that business focus more on the fundamentals and basics of Twitter than on the “tools”:  responding to users, engaging your followers, providing great content, thinking about what your posting, taking risks, sharing your personality and personalizing your presence, tipping your hat to great things competitors are doing, talking about your city, and updating people on the cool things your doing!  Running a promotion or two is definitely not a bad idea either.  In either case, we hope businesses keep the focus not only on the great Twitter tools that are out there, but on the content and spirit behind their “twittering” as well…

We look forward to these posts and your feedback.
What are the best Twitter tools you’ve found lately?  Why?  What has been working for you?  Seesmic Desktop or Tweet Deck?  What are your favorite iPhone applications?  Let us know…drop us a line!  (or a comment:)